The Stemmons Freeway Sign Exact Location
The Stemmons Freeway Sign Exact Location in Dealey Plaza Research: Source Data This is a quick study on the Stemmons Freeway Sign, as depicted by the Zapruder film and later photos. The source for this location consists of the following: I assume that Zapruder was standing on the “Zapruder Pedestal,” as identified in the literature. This position has been debated, but is widely recognized as accurate. John Costella’s survey, direction, and compass bearing work that uses the Zapruder Film and subsequent panoramas of Dealey Plaza. I use his panorama of the stictched/combined Zapruder Film, along with bearing lines from True North. (Figure 1) The Topographic Survey of a Part of the Northern Portion of Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, Prepared for the Select Committee on Assassinations, U.S. House of Representatives prepared by Drommer & Assosciates in JulyRead More →