Archived Article:
Time Has Expired to sign the Petition!
I have setup a new petition at the website to make English the official language of the United States. Please sign it! This is a current 2017 petition, so please sign it and Tweet about it to your followers and Facebook friends.
Make English the Official Language of the United States
English is the only language which is spoken throughout the United States. It is used in all legislation, official documents, and official rulings of the courts.
There is no compelling reason for other languages to receive official status, like in other countries where multiple languages are used. Spanish speakers are common in many parts of the continental United States. But although Spanish is spoken by a large minority of people in the U.S., it would not serve the purposes of the Government to recognize it for official purposes. If Spanish were recognized, those who speak it could rightfully demand an official translator for any official act. Such a situation, similar to the Canadian dual language paradigm, would be expensive.
English should be the exclusive official language for all 50 States and the District of Columbia.
U.S. territories like Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands should be able to choose their own official language(s) if their local governments choose to do so.
Please sign the petition before February 23, 2017!